We have a revelation of God's personal feelings in the first
commandment. We are to love Him with all our heart! The complaint that Jesus had against
the Church at Ephesus was their lack of fervent, personal love for Him; they had
"works" and "labor" and "patience," and great zeal in
searching out heretics, and in bearing persecution and the scorn of their neighbors, and
had not fainted under hardships. If such a list of graces were now found in one person, he
would be esteemed a great saint ; and yet the infinite Searcher of hearts saw the lack of
something for which all these noble virtues could not atone; and that was a warm, deep,
incessant, cleaving, tender passion of soul for the person of the Lord Jesus.
Very few Christians reach such an intimacy with our dear Lord as to receive and appreciate
His individual feelings. Jesus is an infinite lover, and nothing will satisfy Him but a
pure, sacred, passionate, and personal love. He loves to be loved. He loves those most who
have the most personal affection for Him. There are so many things that are eminently
religious, and brave, and enterprising, and reformatory, which display great zeal and
orthodoxy, but which do not satisfy the longings of our Savior's heart. There are so few
Christians that are positively affectionate with Jesus. Personal love of Jesus is marked
by several characteristics.
We can love Jesus with more different kinds of affection than any other person in the
universe. Look at the number of tender relationships that He sustains toward a soul that
is perfectly wedded to Him by the Holy Spirit. As our Creator, we adore Him; as our
Redeemer, we boundlessly trust Him; as our King, we obey Him; as our Judge, we fear Him;
as our Master, we submit to Him; as our Savior, we praise Him; as a little infant, we feel
a fatherly and motherly love toward Him; as a Brother, we feel a brotherly and sisterly
love for Him; as our spiritual Bridegroom, our hearts are passionately devoted to Him.
Every relation that He sustains to us calls forth a new form of love. There is no kind of
affection possible to the human soul which Jesus should not receive. See in how many ways
Eve was related to Adam; being built out of his rib, she was his own daughter, and at the
same time his own sister, and at the same time his bride; and he being the lord of the
human family, she was his servant, and all these relations entered into her affections for
him. Jesus is to us, in a similar way, all that Adam was to Eve, with a great deal more
besides. Now do we love our precious Lord in all these relationships! Is our love for Him
an ever-flowing stream, which is made up from all these several rivulets? There is no one
in the universe, to a divinely-illuminated mind, so lovable as our blessed, Divine Jesus.
Personal love for Jesus has in it the extremes of the most sacred fear and the most
child-like familiarity. Some people think that those who have much sacred fear can not
have much love; and, on the other hand, that those who have a found familiarity of love
can not have a reverential fear; but such people are greatly mistaken. Fear and love are
the two equal wings to this soaring devotion. Those who have an awe which in the least
hinders their love, have a slave's awe, and not that of a child. There is nothing more
beautiful in the interior life than that sacred awe, that sweet and sacred dread, which
the soul feels in the presence of the Lord. When we gaze at His beautiful and blazing
majesty, when our whole soul feels a gentle trembling before Him, there is something in
the very holy dread that draws us to a deeper and more tender love. And, on the other
hand, there is a spotless familiarity which the soul can take with Jesus - a boldness and
liberty of thought and speech - which only serves to make our worship more true, so that,
in reality, sacred fear and familiar love act and react on each other.
Personal love of Jesus is indicated by an extreme sensitiveness for His honor. The soul
feels an insult at every dishonor that is shown to its Divine Husband. When Jesus is
wounded, His name lightly used, His majesty disregarded, His precious blood ignored, this
hot personal love will feel a delicate, divine indignation. The heart is as sensitive to
the preciousness and honor of Christ as the apple of the eye. The truly wedded soul is
very touchy as to the glory of its husband. And, on the other hand, this kind of love is
always elated and happy at every advancement of Christ's glory. It loves to see Him
extended; it glories in the spread of His glory.
This kind of love has an incessant yearning for all the dispositions manifested in the
life of Jesus. This personal love of Jesus has large, bright eyes, and, from the New
Testament records, it can see marvelous things in the Christ-life. It has vast and
penetrating visions into the depths of His lowliness, the vastness of His charity, the
tenderness of His Spirit, the perpetual self-sacrifice of His will, the absolute courage
of His obedience, the everlastingness of His kindness. It sees His whole inner life, like
a magnificent city, all lifted up with unspeakable attributes, and all bespangled with
majesties and virtues and graces and sweetness, that charm and bewilder the soul, and make
it leap with intense desire to possess everything which it sees in its lovely Lord. No
splendor in creation can compare with the dazzling charms which an ardently loving soul
perceives in Jesus. It cries out, with St. Paul, "Oh, the depth of the riches!"
It is this vision which makes the soul pine and pray, and weep loving tears, and dream
over and over of the ineffable transformation of being made just like its heavenly
This form of love is strongly attached to the possessions of Christ. There is a peculiar
attachment which always goes with the possession of a thing. It is the affection of
ownership. As soon as anything becomes our property, we have a peculiar attachment which
never could exist previous to ownership. This is; why Jesus said, "Where your
possessions are, there will your heart be," He does not say the possessions will go
where the heart is, but the heart will go where the possessions are. Hence the soul in
perfect, loving union with Jesus will find itself taking hold of all His personal kingdom
and all His property, as a young queen finds the affections of her heart stretching out to
all the subjects and enterprises of her King's dominion. I should not omit to say that
this personal love for Jesus has in it a fond, caressing spirit for Him. It twines its
thoughts around Him. It folds Him round and round with the delicate embraces of the
Spirit. It often finds itself, like John, leaning on His breast; or, like Mary, sitting at
His feet; or, like Magdalene, bathing His feet with tears; and whatever posture the body
may be in, the soul is often on its face before Him in perfect, repentant tenderness.
The love of Jesus would not be complete if it did not include a longing for His personal
appearing, and to see Him come in the glory of His kingdom. The Holy Spirit loves Jesus
with an infinite love, and He alone can flood our being with fervent love for Christ; and
the Holy Ghost has told us that we are to "love Christ's appearing." St. Paul
speaks of a crown of righteousness for all those who love our Lord's appearing. Any love
for Jesus which does not include an intense desire to see and be with Him is below the
standard of affection which He requires of us. They please Him most who love Him
personally and ardently up to their capacity.
Reference Used: Soul Food by G. D Watson
From: A Revival Source Center