Tales from 14,000 Feet.

Cerro Rico above Potosi

Cerro Rico looms above Potosi, ever a reminder of the riches and the agony of this place. In the mine's 400 year history millions of Quechua, Aymara and Black slaves perished.

The Incan
The face is famous and represents Potosi.
It is a picture of a drunken Incan

The Bolivian Team
Left to right: Tom Fitzgerald, Jeremiah Romono,
Richard Twiss, Fairlight Fitzgerald,
Derick Romono, Evan Wiggs, Billy Joe Berry,
Dana Fitzgerald.

Billy Joe Berry and Richard Twiss
with Quechua Representatives
on Potosi street

Richard and Billy Joe are North American
Indigenous Natives who went with us to share
their message of reconciliation.


Reconciliation 2006 Banner in

Casa de la Moneda
The Casa de la Moneda was the place where
all the silver was coined or ingoted and where
the slaves were kept. How significant we had
the Reconciliation 2006 Ceremony here!


Our Team at the Reconcilication 2006
It was a beautiful day at Casa de la Moneda
as me met for the Reconcilication 2006
in Potosi. It will be remembered as a day
the Lord started His powerful new
work in this area.


Jurgen Schulz
This is missionary Jurgen who spearheaded
the Reconciliation 2006 in Potosi.
His dedication to the Lord is wonderful
and God used him to do exploits.

The Benavides
Father and Son Benavides who did the documentary
and who also came along Jurgen Schulz
for a lengthy period and helped organize
Reconciliation 2006.

Here is their website: www.phronesisbolivia.com

Final Reconciliation 2006 Celebration
At the Colosium we had a final celebration
of Reconciliation 2006 with many different
performaces from Quechan people, and
other ethnic groups. Here is a band from
YWAM or JUCUM in spanish. Pictured
is Miguel, Nicholas and Fabio, all dear
friends of mine.

Oh Potosi, when will you let the King of Kings
enter in your streets and His righteousness flow
down your mountains? He now owns the high
places where the blood of the slaves flowed
and He will soon own your hearts.

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