Fire in Andhra Pradesh India

I have been contacted by Dr. Rao of Faith Action Ministries in Andhra Pradesh. Another of those the Lord spoke to me about. A faith filled, Holy Spirit ministry that I am will to go help. Are you willing to help me go?


Dear Pastor Evan Wiggs

Measure of Gold Revival Ministries,

Greetings in the name of Living God. First of all I want to say thank to God, for giving you this mind and kind heart to contact me, Praise the Lord and God. And thanks for your kind consideration and concern on India especially Andhra Pradesh.

Pastor I strongly believe this is purely God’s grace and He inspired, leading and have given this concern to you. Thank you so much for your kind and loving heart on us. Praise the God. Amen.

Pastor we have been praying for the past several Months and asking to God to show the like minded God’s Children to sharing the burden and concern in this Ministry. Praise the lord and God He heard our prayers.  I have dedicated my life to serve the God. He has given me the opportunity to work as labor in his filed, and we are doing only one drop of the water in the Ocean.


Pastor we have been doing this ministry for the past 20 years preaching the Good News , showing the love of God and helping the poor and needy people. You are aware our country people are totally in the clutches of the evil and he has been ruling these people, the population in INDIA is 1,027,015,247.    With various religions which range from 80% Hindu, 14% Muslim, 2.4% Christian, 2% Sikh, 0.7% Buddhist, 0.5% Jains, 0.4% other, you know these people are worshipping stones, trees, animals, serpents, water, air, sun, and moon what not everything expect our God, because they do not know about the living God, the evil has not permitted them to see the real light in 2nd Corinthians 4:4. They do not believe, because their minds have been kept in the dark by the evil god of this world.


Pastor the God has given me the burden and concern to preach the Good news and help the poor and depressed people of this area. We have been working along with 35 committed and dedicated full time Pastors in deferent villages, and more than 2,500 hundred believers.


Pastor with the help of our Loving God and under the guidance of the Holy Ghost we have been working this area for the past 20 years, preaching the Good News and helping the poorest of the poor, mainly neglected, deceived and down trodden people of this area. The landlords, Moneylenders, middlemen brokers and high cast people have been deceiving them for the past several years, I want to break this chain, not only that I want to lead them in the hands of the Christ. I strongly believe without parching the word of God the Social work is not good and at the same time without helping the people the Preaching the Good news is also not full filled the God’s command. We have stood on this and implementing this 2 fold ministries.


The Gospel is not just something we do with external rituals, regulations or habitual habits. The Gospel is our entire life that is supposed to be revolving around the personhood and work of Jesus Christ. The Gospel is not just a to-do list or one more thing we do during the course of our daily lives. We are hungry and hungry to preach the Gospel to these dying souls


Today onwards all our pastors and hundreds of the believers will be praying for you. I am always grate full to God and thank full to you.  Once again thanks to you. I believe may God will guide you to join us to harvest the souls for the glory of the God. Amen. May God bless you and your ministry. I am looking forward and hearing from you.

Your Brother in Vineyard,



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