Fire in Andhra Pradesh India

Pastor Anatharapu Moses has contacted me to come to Andhra Pradesh and go I must as this is another one the Lord will use in the coming revival in that area. Hallelujah to the Mighty Lord.


Pastor Evan Wiggs,

Measure of Global Revival Ministries. 
Dear Pastor Evan Wiggs, 
I greet you in the precious and mighty name of Jesus Christ.
How are you? I hope this letter finds you well in the grace of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
It is my privilege and real encouragement knowing your wonderful ministry.
It is my great joy and as well as privilege to write you this letter to share with you the Lord’s ministry that we have been doing in India to solicit your valuable prayers and support to go further in His Ministry in India. I believe that the Lord will form a link between our ministries to work together in His harvest field to expand His kingdom on this earth through this prayerful letter.
Our Special Invitation:

Here we are prayerfully inviting you to come to our ministry in India to preach and teach the word of God.
Please give us your favorable dates to come and minister in our place. India needs Christ and great revival.
Now days, we have been seeing many people healed, set free from the every bondage of satan and coming in to the salvation of Christ.
We could realize and experience the mighty move of the Holy Spirit around the world. Praise the lord.
Little About Ministry and Me:

My name is Anantharapu Moses. I am a Pastor and an evangelist doing ministry in the villages of Andhra Pradesh state, South India . My father and brother are also Pastors. And we are working together in the harvest field. Our whole families committed to do His ministry. We have started this ministry ( Bethel Prayer and Evangelical Fellowship of India ) in 1975.
My father Rev. A. Jacob before he coming to the lord, he lived very bad life. He lost his father while he was still a baby. After this, his mother worked very hard to feed him and rest of the family. He used to suffer without food and clothes. He has grown up like an orphan in the streets. After some time his mother took him to a missionary’s school for education. While He was in that school, he lost his brother due to typhoid. So he became depressed and left the school. By staying with his mother, he stopped his studies due to poverty and hard times in the family. He worked to get food. As he grown up, as a street boy he habitude with all kind of bad habits like drinking, smoking, adultery etc and became ridiculous and notorious. Before he was enter twenty years of age, the doctor told that he will be dying soon due to more drinking and smoking and he also affected with lungs cancer.
Due to his sisters' job, he and his whole family members were moved to another place by leaving their birth village.

Then one day he came to hear a servant of God, preaching about the sin and the love and salvation of Jesus Christ. Then he touched by the word of God and the Holy Spirit worked on his life and made him to realize of his sins. He cried and prayed and repented of his sins that he have committed and the Lord has forgiven His sins and saved His life and given the real peace and joy in His life.
He has grown up in faith and helping a pastor in the ministry. The great burden that he has for the salvation of his own place started to increase more and more.
One day he was praying in a room shutting all the windows and doors of the house. His prayer was that to the lord to save his own area and asking the lord to send someone to his own birthplace to preach the message of the cross. He was asking the lord to send some body to his own village.
During his ceaseless prayer, the glory of God came in to his room and fully covered him. In that bright light the Lord has spoken these words "Oh my son, you are asking me to send some one to your own place then what about you and why don't you go? Then he answered the Lord "Lord I am not worthy to go and preach your gospel to these people because the people know that I have come from a low Dalit caste (Untouchable caste) and know how I was born and grown up there, so the people do not accept me nor respect me. Then the lord replied "See the world did not accept me nor respect me, they mocked at me, slapped me and crucified me on the cross of Calvary so do you want and need respect? If you obey me, I will bless you and be with you all of your life". After a long conversation with the Lord, Ultimately he agreed and obeyed His call to go to his own place. Then he traveled to our own village called "Prushothapuram". It is in the District of Visakhapatnam, in the state of Andhra Pradesh , South India .

My father and mother have come to this small village by having a single mat to sleep on the floor and have nothing more. After coming to this place, they started their ministry by walk going to villages and preaching the gospel. They do not have food for three days, so they were hungry. On the third day, my father went upon the mountain behind our house and started to pray. He was praying and crying in that mid afternoon, while the sun was so hot. He was praying like this "Lord you have sent me to this village and told me that you will be with me and bless me but here we were suffering without food and nobody hears me when I preach your gospel so what should I do? Then Lord has started to speak to him. During his prayer there were many birds came and started to fly upon his head, then the lord has spoken to him by showing the flying birds on his head and also showing the beautiful plants on the mountain. And told him like this "Look at the birds! I am feeding them and look at the plants I am feeding them. Are you not valuable than they? From today onwards you do not cry for food or anything else because I have given you everything". Then he came down and saw a new woman standing there with a small pot having little rice and rice water in it and gave it to my father and mother. That was their first food in the ministry. She became the first believer of our church and still she is alive and worshiping the lord. After this, my father and mother walked miles and miles preaching the gospel in the villages for many years. No one knows about Jesus and His precious salvation and also no one showed interest. By the months and years pass by, God has given him few strong believers in faith in God and he could build a small thatched church in our village.
Our village people were very cruel, so one mid night they surrounded our small house and they tried to kill my father and mother but the mighty hand of God was with them and delivered from the dangerous situation. On the next day, the cruel people came in the mid night and set fire on the small thatched church and totally burnt it down. On the next day morning my father went in to the village and had talk with village elders and explained what that has happened to the church last night. Then the village elders responded saying "We will give you each one, one one stick and leafs, so you can build it again". Then my father told them like this "I have not come here to run any adultery house or alcohol shop or to do any bad things but I have come here to preach the good news of Jesus Christ and help people to find real peace and joy in the lives. You people do not need to give me anything to build the house of God, I am not worship the begging God, I am worship the Lord almighty and He is only the creator of this whole universe and He is more powerful and able to build His church" he replied and he returned home.
After this the almighty God started to do wonders and miracles. The wrath of God came upon the people of the village.
Immediately the main person who fired the church has affected with leprosy and the rest of the participants tasted the power of God in their lives. Then, all people of the village heard that what the Lord has done and feared to touch His mighty servant. The person who got leprosy was gone to many hospitals but his disease was not cured and it remained. Few years back, he came to our church, cried and repented of His sins then he died. We have faced many problems and persecutions in the ministry for the sake of the gospel and still we are facing. But we can strongly say that God is so faithful to His call. We could not able number the wonders and miracle that He has done for us for His glory, they were numerous as Psalmist says in Psalms 40:5 "Many, O Lord my God, are your wonderful works which you have done; And your thoughts toward us cannot be recounted to you in order; If I would declare and speak of them, They are more than can be counted".
God has planted more than ten churches through our ministry. We have trained many young men and women for the ministry.
We are helping the Orphans and widows. We have vision to build an orphanage to help orphan and destitute children. So kindly pray for this matter.

God has given us many co-laborers to work with us in His harvest field. We thank the lord for meeting all our needs according to Philippians 4:19 "And may God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus".
God has saved and blessed many people through our ministry in India . God told to Abraham in Genesis 12:2, 3 "And you shall be a blessing, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed". So when God spoke with Abraham, He has a universal plan.

Our ministry activities covers:


Literature Ministry,

Church Planting,
Conference and Seminars,
Pray for Israel ,
Supporting Pastors and their families,

Helping Orphans and destitute children.

Helping widows,

Medical Ministry,

Bible Schools to train and equip the young people for the ministry,

Educational Schools ,

Conducting Conferences and Seminars.

Children Ministry,

Youth Ministry,
Women Ministry,

Music Ministry,
Film Ministry and

Relief Activities etc.


Pastor Evan Wiggs


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