Strategic Planning Process
Strategic Planning is the process of defining the dreams, aspirations and goals of the company and bringing those ideas down to the company floor to ensure they will actually come about. We will have several creative planning sessions with you and your top management really coming to grips with what your idea of the company really is. We will provide team building exercises to bring the team together and get the creative juices flowing. We will come up with a Vision Statement of the company. What is this company at its very core? We will establish a Mission Statement that tells everybody this is what we do. Then we explore the core values of the organization, the things that define your character and what you want to show the world of who you are.
We will then do a through and lengthy SWOT analysis. We will analyze all Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. We will then creatively explore ways to enhance our strengths, to lessen our weaknesses, to capture opportunities and to ameliorate threats. We will take each of the enhancements, to the floor in steps, from Strategic (1-5 years) to Tactical (1 month to 1 year) and to Operational (1 day to 1 month). Each step will entail an Action Plan that will be: SMART
S - Specific in the issue it is to accomplish M - Measurable or quantifiable to see when it has been accomplished. A - Agreed upon by all so that there is total buy in. R - Realistic and doable. T - Timebound, to be accomplished in a timely manner and tied to bonuses.
I will also make sure all this is followed up and the plan is covered by all the Action Plans. I will discuss the future strategic plans with the owner / principals in the concepts of exit strategy. What is their action plan in regard to that. I will assist in that formulation and accomplishment with their own CPA's and Lawyers or ones I can bring in.
We are in the Portland OR and Vancouver WA major metropolitan area waiting to serve you.