Measure of Gold Revival Ministries
Thank you for visiting my site. I
pray that it will be a blessing for you and help you grow in your faith.
I have many resources here for the Christian interested in what God has
done and what He is currently doing.
I have also started my own faith based
ministry which can be reached through the links on the upper left.
PRAISE JESUS!!! What a Lord we serve.
The trip to Kenya was so incredibly powerful. Read and see the story
of the baby God raised from the dead!! Open
Heavens over Kenya full story...Text,
Next trip
in August - September I will be back in Cambodia and Vietnam to do more
ministry there.
Mighty Clouds of Joy
All other trips can be seen in the
link on the upper left entitled "Where we are going".
God Bless you!
Evan Wiggs
I will be leaving trip reports on the
Measure of Gold Site after each trip that you may see on the bottom left
of this page..
Measure of Gold Revival Ministries
is a 501.3c Non-Profit Corporation registered in the state of Washington.
This Ministry is totally
independent of any Denomination or other Ministry. I get no funding other
than what God will bring. It is expensive to go and share the Gospel
in third world countries. I live in a 20 year old house in a nice neighborhood.
It is all paid off. I drive a 2000 Jeep Cherokee with a dented front
bumper, my wife a public school teacher drives a 1997 Nissan Maxima.
The are both paid for. I own no debts to any man, but to share the gospel.
I also regularly give to other
ministries of indigenous evangelists, etc in third world countries to help
them further the work of our Lord. Many of these depend on my giving to
sustain them, feed orphans, feed the poor.
I need your financial help to get the gospel
and the power of God that He has invested in me to where He wants me to
go. Go to my DONATION page and you can give via credit card,
check or electronic wire.
Thanks and God Bless each of you.
Evan Wiggs "The Happy
Wanderer for Jesus"
Technical - Articles on Physics and Creation, Mazzaroth,
Math and God etc. Enjoy
Gleanings - Some of my hardest hitting and most piercing stuff.
What God has been showing me.
All you ever wanted to know about Revival, what it is, how it
comes, what it looks like, who played big roles in the past etc. Enjoy
and pray, pray, pray for REVIVAL!
You may copy these articles for your own use and edification,
or for teaching purposes only. On pages with copyright information, please
keep it intact on the page. Please do not sell for profit at any time.

Trip Reports
The Happy Wanderer for Jesus
Local Miracles and News.
A Remarkable Miracle
Angela Garin's Healing
Dylan's Healing
Don's Healing
Tales from 14,000 Feet Full
Behold the Fields are White Unto Harvest full
Pics 1, Pics 2.
Fire in the Philippines full
story... Text, Pics
1, Pics
2, Pics
3 , Pics
4, Pics
5, Pics 6
Glory in Brazil full story... Text,
1, Pics
2, Pics
3 , Pics
4, Pics
Glory Storm in Brazil full
story... Text, Pics
1, Pics
2, Pics 3 , Pics 4, Pics 5,
Glory in Brazil III
story... Text,
1, Pics
2, Pics 3 , Pics 4, Pics 5,
Cambodia Fire full
story... Text, Pics
1, Pics
2, Pics 3 , Pics 4, Pics 5,
Open Heavens Over Kenya full story...
Pics 1, Pics 2, Pics 3, Pics 4, Pics 5